Social commitment
Support for culture and sport in the region
In addition to professional success, Gerhard Kreckler, founder and Managing Director of Kreckler GmbH, also attaches great importance to social commitment in the region.
For example, Kreckler GmbH is an official sponsor and advertising partner of Adler Mannheim, VfR Mannheim and has already been active as a partner of the Harder Cup.
In addition, the specialist for storage and systems supports the Reiss-Engelhorn Museums Mannheim and other clubs.
VfR Mannheim
Kinderreitsportclub Bensheim
Partner der Adler Mannheim
Präsenz zeigen von Anfang an – im Business Club der SAP Arena und seit 2013 auch in der Sky Lounge der Adler Mannheim.
Wir waren dabei! Meister 2006/07
Golfclub St. Leon-Rot